

Medically Reviewed by Melinda Ratini, DO, MS ~ WebMD

Count Your Fiber – You probably know fiber helps relieve constipation. And if you’re like most Americans, you probably don’t get enough. Adults should eat 20-35 grams a day, and tracking your fiber is the best way to hit your target. Look for grams of fiber on food labels. Set yourself up for success and reach for whole grains like brown rice and whole-wheat bread.

Don’t Hold It – It’s more comfortable to poop in the privacy of your home. That can be a problem if you make a habit of holding it in when you’re out. When you ignore the need to move your bowels, those signals weaken over time. The last thing you need when you’re constipated is to poop even less often. So hit the bathroom whenever and wherever the urge hits.

Pick High-Fiber Fruits – Fresh fruits pack lots of healthy nutrients. But fiber isn’t always one of them. A cup of cantaloupe, for example, has very little of the rough stuff. Instead, go with these five fiber powerhouses:

Dried figs (1 cup): 14.6 grams

Prunes (1 cup): 12.4 grams

Asian pear (large): 9.9 grams

Raspberries (1 cup): 8 grams

Apple (large): 5.4 grams

Drink Up – When your body lacks enough water to push your digested food forward, it leaves your stools hard and dry. No wonder dehydration can cause constipation or make it worse. Drinking lots of fluids won’t always cure your constipation, but it does help many people. If you’re not a big fan of water, ask your doctor what other liquids you can try.

Troublesome Foods – Some foods can make you more likely to get stopped up. The most common culprits are dairy products, sugary treats, and high-fat meats. So go easy on marbled steaks and sausages, cheese, ice cream, cakes, cookies, and frozen or packaged meals, which tend to lack much fiber.

Rethink Your Veggies – Some vegetables are high in vitamins but low in fiber. Spinach has less than 1 gram per cup of raw leaves. These picks pack much more:

Broccoli (1 cup, cooked): 5.2 grams

Carrots (1 cup, cooked from frozen): 4.8 grams

Baked potato with skin: 4.6 grams

Peas (1/2 cup, cooked from frozen): 4.4 grams

Sun-dried tomatoes (1/2 cup): 3.3 grams

Put Your Feet Up – If you haven’t tried pooping with your feet on a step stool—or a special toilet stool—give it a shot. It shifts your posture to make it easier to eliminate. Some experts recommend it for older adults who have long-term constipation. A small study of young, healthy adults found that a toilet stool eased straining and emptied the bowels more completely.

Make Smart Swaps – Loading up on fiber doesn’t have to be unappetizing. A few switches to your habits can make a big difference. Snack on a handful of almonds (3.3 grams of fiber) instead of crackers (0.6 grams). Sprinkle a cup of beans (around 13 grams of fiber) instead of a cup of diced cheese (0 grams) to pasta salads.

Curb Your Stress – This is a lesser-known cause of constipation. Stress can slow down how quickly food moves through your bowel. Try meditation, deep breathing, or relaxation with mental imagery for proven ways to chill out.

Laxatives: Good or Bad? – They can get backed-up bowels moving again quickly. So, you may reach for laxatives for your chronic constipation. But using them too often could train your body to depend on them for bowel movements. Plus, some laxatives interfere with some medications. Ask your doctor if laxatives are a good option for you.

Move It – Lack of physical activity can lead to constipation, especially if you’re a senior. Several studies suggest exercise may help you get more regular if you’re already constipated while being a couch potato makes you more likely to get it. Given all the other benefits of working out, this is one of the best habits you can adopt.

Bowel Training – Did you know that you may be able to train yourself to poop at the same time every day? Aim to do it about 20-30 minutes after mealtime. That’s when wave-like motions start in your intestines to push food and waste through. For many, just this regular routine may lead to relief. Still, stuck? Add something to stimulate your bowels, like sipping warm liquids in the morning.

When to Call a Doctor – Even if you can manage your constant constipation, sometimes it’s a good idea to see your doctor. Among other things, they can rule out other health issues. So, call your doctor if your constipation:

Is new Lasts more than 3 weeks, Seems severe, Comes with weight loss, a fever, weakness, or other health concerns.

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Updated: August 16, 2017