Category:So…where do I start? It’s with some disbelief and great humility that I start in on my first message to you, our beloved constituents, as Executive Director of Parkinson’s Resource Organization.
I remember my first conversation with Jo almost four years ago. She hired me to write some grants for the organization; in our first call she outlined the history, scope, and vision for PRO. I was awestruck. Jo also told me about the one task she had to complete in this life... to usher in a cure for Parkinson’s. Having worked with her for several years now, I know Jo may very well be the person to do it.
In the meantime, I have the great privilege of carrying on her legacy at PRO. There will be some changes, but the core programs that you know, love, and depend on, will remain. Check out our full support group schedule for January. All the classics are there, with a few new faces facilitating the meetings. I think you’ll enjoy the fresh perspectives and deep expertise of our January facilitators. You’ll notice one change though... our 6:00pm PST meetings are now 5:00pm PST. This makes it a little easier for our East Coast friends to join, and hopefully doesn’t mess with our West Coast dinner plans too much.
Our Wellness Village is still going strong. This is your online resource directory of goods and services to improve quality of life for people with Parkinson’s and caregivers. And we still pride ourselves on being the people who pick up the phone when you call. If we can’t answer your question immediately, we’ll look under every rock and down every rabbit hole until we find what you need.
Ultimately, what drew me to Parkinson’s Resource Organization was the mission statement... working so no one is isolated because of Parkinson’s. It’s simple, it’s expansive, and it’s true. We have a lofty ambition... so no one is isolated. Yet humble... so no one is isolated. We can’t fix Parkinson’s (yet). We can’t reverse it. We can’t make it go away. But we can make sure you don’t go through the journey alone.
Stick with us on our journey of transformation. I have some big shoes to fill, but luckily I was mentored by the very best (she’s even given me one or two pairs of those very shoes). My commitment to you is to preserve Jo’s core values, preserve and strengthen our core programs, and always stay grounded in the mission… which is you.
Questions? Comments? Curiosities? Ideas? Give me a call or shoot me an email. I’d love to get to know you better. In the meantime, enjoy this month’s Newsworthy Notes Newsletter. Read on for BIG CHANGES COMING TO MEDI-CAL IN 2024. Check out SINGING IN HARMONY TO FIND A NEW TUNE, CINNAMON MAY BE USED TO HALT PROGRESSION OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE, YOU CAN HAVE A CAREER AFTER DIAGNOSIS, FIGHTING PARKINSON’S DISEASE WITH EXERCISE AND DIET, and; NEW FACES FOR JANUARY SUPPORT GROUPS.
Until next month, remember New Year’s Day on the 1st, Martin Luther King Day on the 15th, International Day of Acceptance on the 20th, International Day of Education on January 24th, and Holocaust Remembrance Day on the 27th. The flower is the Carnation and the birthstone is Garnet.
Always remember to celebrate you and lead with love.
Eileen Lynch
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